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A Peanut Butter and Jam original story….

Jolie is ready to go outside. But it is raining. She really doesn’t like the rain, but she really needs to go outside. She is trying to wait until it stops, but it keeps raining and raining. Finally, she can’t wait any longer. She is just going to have to go out in the rain because she needs to go. She quickly runs upstairs to get her friend Edward. Edward is currently sitting in his favorite chair reading a book. He hears Jolie coming upstairs and looks up from his book to greet her. When Jolie arrives, she sits in front of him and gives a quick bark. Edward asks her what she wants. She then takes her paw and puts it on his leg. This is to signal Edward that Jolie needs to go outside. But it is still raining, and Edward doesn’t like the rain either. But he also knows that he must help his friend Jolie, so he knows that he must go. Edward puts down his book and stands up to follow his friend downstairs so that they can go outside, even if it is raining. When they get downstairs, he and Jolie both stop and look outside. It is still raining and doesn’t look like it will be stopping anytime soon. They look at each other and they both know there is nothing they can do but get ready to go outside. Edward gets Jolie’s leash from where it is hanging and clicks it on her collar. He then gets his raincoat from where it is hanging and begins to put it on. Jolie waits patiently as Edward puts on his raincoat and gets his umbrella. Even though his coat has a hood that he pulls over his head, he still thinks that he can never have too much to help keep him from getting wet. Once Edward has finished, he grabs Jolie’s leash and unlocks the door.  Edward slowly turns the doorknob and opens the door.  The rain is coming down hard and steady. He and Jolie look at each other once again and then Edward opens his umbrella and outside, they go. Once outside, Edward locks the door and he and Jolie begin walking. As they are walking, Jolie is getting wetter and wetter. Edward hears the rain as it hits his umbrella and feels the rain as hits the sleeves of his raincoat. They try to walk briskly so they can and avoid getting soaked, but it seems that the faster they walk, the wetter Jolie seems to get. Usually when Jolie needs to go outside and it isn’t raining, she likes to walk and sniff and walk and sniff. But because it is raining and she doesn’t like getting wet, she thinks that she can skip the sniffs for now. As they walk, Jolie steps in a puddle that splashes her, and Edward steps into one that soaks his sneakers. Neither one of them enjoy getting wet, but they both know that Jolie must go. Finally, after a few puddles and more rain, Jolie finds a spot that isn’t too wet, and this is where she goes. Once she is done, it is time to go back inside. As they start on their way back, it begins raining harder and the wind starts blowing. It blows so hard that it blows the umbrella out of Edward’s hand, and it blows his hood on his coat, off of his head. Now Edward not only has wet feet, but now he has a wet head.  Both he and Jolie are getting drenched, and they start to jog home. They get to the door and Edward hurriedly opens it so that they can get inside and out of the rain. Once inside Edward unhooks Jolie’s leash from her collar and hangs it up to dry. Then he starts to take off his raincoat, but as he is doing this, Jolie decides this would be a great time to dry off. Edward sees what is about to happen and tells her, “No!” But Jolie does not like being wet, so she ignores him and well, let’s just say that there was a lot of shaking and water flying in multiple directions, including on Edward. Once she is done, she walks upstairs with a smile, because now she isn’t wet anymore and happy that she was able to go outside and go. 

The End